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Fast and safe production launch: How ProcMan saves massive amounts of time, nerves and costs

Home $ Home (only current) $ Fast and safe production launch: How ProcMan saves massive amounts of time, nerves and costs

HORIZONT was allowed to use the Beta Systems Software Tech Forum to present the paper "Fast and secure production rollout: How ProcMan saves massive amounts of time, nerves and costs". Jens Bühring presented in a live talk how companies can use ProcMan to transfer and transport workload objects such as JCL and job nets in an automated way - so that companies have a better overview of their IT operations.
If you want to see the presentation, you can do so in the following video.

If you have any questions about ProcMan , please feel free to contact us at jbuehring@horizont-it.com

FYI: ProcMan from HORIZONT is a change management tool for DevOps that allows users to create, edit, review, generate and release workload objects into production for IT operations in a controlled manner.