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Home $ Product versions

Aktuelle Produktversionen

Produkt Aktuelle Version
ProcMan V5
SmartJCL V3R5
IWS/Graph V6R2
IWS/Audit V7R7
IWS/BatchAD V4R3
IWS/BatchCP V3R5
IWS/WebAdmin ds V4R2
IWS/WebAdmin z/OS V4R1
Shared Package V1R5


Produkt Version / Release Allgemein verfügbar Wartung bis  
ProcMan V2R0 2012-02-01 2015-12-31  
ProcMan V3R0 2014-02-01 2020-12-31  
ProcMan V4 2018-11-21    
ProcMan V5 2021-06-29    
SmartJCL V1R0 2002-01-15 2004-04-30  
SmartJCL V1R1 2003-05-26 2005-05-31  
SmartJCL V2R0 2004-04-01 2006-05-31  
SmartJCL V2R1 2005-06-01 2007-12-31  
SmartJCL V2R2 2006-06-17 2008-12-31  
SmartJCL V2R3 2007-06-29 2009-12-31  
SmartJCL V2R4 2008-09-29 2013-09-30  
SmartJCL V3R0 2009-08-17 2014-12-31  
SmartJCL V3R1 2012-01-16 2017-06-30  
SmartJCL V3R2 2014-02-03 2022-06-30  
SmartJCL V3R3 2016-04-27 2023-12-31  
SmartJCL V3R4 2019-02-02 2026-09-30  
SmartJCL V3R5 2022-06-30 min. 2028-09-30  
IWS/Audit (TWS/Audit)        
Produkt Version / Release Allgemein verfügbar Wartung bis  
TWS/Audit V4R0M0 2003-07-01 2003-10-09  
TWS/Audit V4R1 2003-10-09 2009-03-31  
TWS/Audit V4R2 2004-07-01 2009-03-31  
TWS/Audit V5R0 2006-10-01 2011-03-31  
TWS/Audit V5R1 2007-01-18 2011-03-31  
TWS/Audit V6R0 2009-09-01 2012-03-31  
TWS/Audit V6R1 2010-02-02 2012-03-31  
TWS/Audit V6R2 2011-02-23 2013-03-31  
TWS/Audit V6R3 2011-06-19 2015-05-30  
TWS/Audit V6R4 2012-01-10 2016-01-31  
TWS/Audit V7R0 2012-10-08 replaced by V7R0M1  
TWS/Audit V7R0M1 2012-11-13 2016-12-31  
TWS/Audit V7R1 2013-07-10 2017-12-31  
TWS/Audit V7R2 2013-11-30 2017-12-31  
TWS/Audit V7R3 2014-04-14 2020-12-31  
TWS/Audit V7R4 2015-08-07 2020-12-31  
IWS/Audit V7R5 2017-05-11 2020-12-31  
IWS/Audit V7R6 2018-04-30 2022-12-31  
IWS/Audit V7R7 2019-04-12    
IWS/BatchAD (TWS/BatchAD)        
Produkt Version / Release Allgemein verfügbar Wartung bis  
TWS/BatchAD V3R0M00 2006-12-07 2012-06-30  
TWS/BatchAD V3R1M01 2007-04-12 2012-06-30  
TWS/BatchAD V3R1M02 2007-09-27 2012-06-30  
TWS/BatchAD V3R1M03 2007-10-30 2012-06-30  
TWS/BatchAD V3R1M04 2007-12-06 2012-06-30  
TWS/BatchAD V3R1M05 2008-01-29 2012-06-30  
TWS/BatchAD V3R1M06 2008-06-13 2012-06-30  
TWS/BatchAD V3R1M07 2008-10-01 2012-06-30  
TWS/BatchAD V3R2M00 2009-03-13 2012-06-30  
TWS/BatchAD V3R5M00 2009-07-22 2012-06-30  
TWS/BatchAD V3R5M01 2009-12-11 2012-06-30  
TWS/BatchAD V3R6M01 2010-11-04 2012-09-30  
TWS/BatchAD V3R7 2011-12-21 2018-09-30  
TWS/BatchAD V3R8 2014-02-07 2018-09-30  
TWS/BatchAD V3R9 2014-07-30 2018-09-30  
TWS/BatchAD V4R0 2015-10-20 2023-05-31  
IWS/BatchAD V4R1 2017-05-03 2023-08-31  
IWS/BatchAD V4R2 2019-05-28    
IWS/BatchAD V4R3M01 2023-01-09    
IWS/BatchAD V4R3M02 2024-05-27    
Produkt Version / Release Allgemein verfügbar Wartung bis  
TWS/BatchCP V2R1 2004-09-28 2012-06-30  
TWS/BatchCP V2R2 2007-04-12 2012-06-30  
TWS/BatchCP V2R3M00 2010-05-18 2012-09-30  
TWS/BatchCP V2R3M01 2010-09-24 2012-09-30  
TWS/BatchCP V2R3M02 2011-01-25 2012-09-30  
TWS/BatchCP V3R1M02 2012-01-16 2018-09-30  
TWS/BatchCP V3R1M03 2012-03-07 2018-09-30  
TWS/BatchCP V3R1M04 2012-03-19 2018-09-30  
TWS/BatchCP V3R1M05 2012-06-05 2018-09-30  
TWS/BatchCP V3R1M06 2012-06-27 2018-09-30  
TWS/BatchCP V3R1M07 2012-07-26 2018-09-30  
TWS/BatchCP V3R1M08 2012-08-22 2018-09-30  
TWS/BatchCP V3R1M09 2013-02-01 2018-09-30  
TWS/BatchCP V3R2M01 2014-03-02 2021-06-16  
TWS/BatchCP V3R3M01 2014-09-25 2021-09-15  
IWS/BatchCP V3R4M02 2021-02-10    
IWS/BatchCP V3R5M01 2022-09-21 2023-04-30  
IWS/BatchCP V3R5M02 2023-04-03    
IWS/Graph (TWS/Graph)        
Produkt Version / Release Allgemein verfügbar Wartung bis  
TWS/Graph V4R2 2001-01-01 2003-12-31  
TWS/Graph V4R3 2001-03-01 2004-12-31  
TWS/Graph V5R0 2002-10-01 2007-12-31  
TWS/Graph V5R1 2004-09-01 2009-12-31  
TWS/Graph V5R2 2007-04-01 2011-12-31  
TWS/Graph V5R3 2009-08-01 2012-12-31  
TWS/Graph V5R4 2011-10-17 2018-11-30  
IWS/Graph V6R0 2017-12-11 2021-12-31  
IWS/Graph V6R1 2019-04-05 2022-12-31  
IWS/Graph V6R2 2020-10-16    
IWS/Graph PC Client V6R0 2017-12-11 2021-12-31  
IWS/Graph PC Client V6R1 2019-04-05 2022-12-31  
IWS/Graph PC Client V6R2 2020-10-16    
TWS/WebAdmin ds        
Produkt Version / Release Allgemein verfügbar Verfügbar bis  
TWS/WebAdmin ds V1R0 2003-05-01 2004-12-31  
TWS/WebAdmin ds V1R1 2003-11-01 2007-12-31  
TWS/WebAdmin ds V2R0 2005-09-12 2011-10-01  
TWS/WebAdmin ds for TWS 8.2 and lower V2R1 2007-10-01 2011-12-31  
TWS/WebAdmin ds V3R0 2007-10-01  2019-12-31  
TWS/WebAdmin ds V3R1 2011-04-29  2019-12-31  
TWS/WebAdmin ds V3R2 2015-02-16  2019-12-31  
IWS/WebAdmin ds V4R0 2018-12-14  2021-12-31  
IWS/WebAdmin ds V4R1 2020-01-29 2022-12-31  
IWS/WebAdmin ds V4R2 2020-10-07 2023-12-31  
End of product life     2023-12-31  
IWS/WebAdmin z/OS (TWS/WebAdmin)        
Produkt Version / Release Allgemein verfügbar Wartung bis  
TWS/WebAdmin z/OS V1R0 2009-07-16 2011-08-25  
TWS/WebAdmin z/OS V2R0 2011-08-25 2011-08-25  
TWS/WebAdmin z/OS V2R1 2012-04-12 2012-12-31  
TWS/WebAdmin z/OS V2R2 2012-10-16 2013-07-15  
TWS/WebAdmin z/OS V2R5 2013-02-15 2013-07-15  
TWS/WebAdmin z/OS V3R0 2013-07-15 2014-12-31  
TWS/WebAdmin z/OS V3R1 2014-02-24 2015-12-31  
TWS/WebAdmin z/OS V3R2 2015-03-09 2018-12-31  
IWS/WebAdmin z/OS V4R0 2016-10-26 2021-12-31  
IWS/WebAdmin z/OS V4R1 2021-03-23    
Produkt Version / Release Allgemein verfügbar  Wartung bis  
XINFO V2R0 1999-05-19 2004-03-15  
XINFO V2R1 2000-01-20 2004-09-15  
XINFO V2R2 2001-03-01 2005-03-15  
XINFO V2R3 2003-07-01 2009-03-31  
XINFO V3R0 2004-03-01 2010-03-31  
XINFO V3R1 2005-11-01 2011-03-31  
XINFO V3R2 2006-02-27 2012-03-31  
XINFO V3R3 2008-04-23 2013-03-31  
XINFO V3R4 2009-04-30 2014-03-31  
XINFO V3R5 2010-04-16 2016-09-30  
XINFO V3R6 2012-05-29 2018-09-30  
XINFO V3R7 2014-08-18 2020-09-30  
XINFO V4R0 2016-05-30 2022-09-30  
XINFO V4R1 2018-08-06 2024-09-30  
XINFO V4R2 2020-06-02 2026-09-30  
XINFO V4R3 2022-06-30 2028-09-30  
XINFO PC Client V4R0 2015-07-20 2022-09-30  
XINFO PC Client V4R1  2018-08-06 2024-09-30  
XINFO PC Client V4R2 2020-06-02 2026-09-30  
XINFO PC Client V4R3 2022-06-30 2028-09-30  
Gemeinsames Angebot        
Produkt Version / Release Allgemein verfügbar Wartung bis  
Shared Package V1R2 2021-04-06 2022-12-31  
Shared Package V1R3 2022-08-05 2023-01-31  
Shared Package V1R4 2023-01-11 2023-11-31  
Shared Package V1R5 2023-11-16